Unique 10 Year Warranty program on MetamaX rod coatings

10 Year warranty on MetamaX rod coatings

The lifetime of hydraulic rods has been a major problem for many years. Main reason for failure of the systems is corrosion of the protective rod coating. While main focus should be on wear of the layer corrosion is causing the need of replacement long before the projected life time of the rod.For the given application it is of great importance to choose the right type of rod coating.

Where seawater can attack the coating material itself and chlorides cause corrosion of coating and the base material the well-known nickel – hard chrome coatings could show early failure. In many cases a laser cladded coating based on nickel can deal with this problem. Abrasive environments can completely remove  a protective layer and corrosion  will take place. In many dredging applications we can advise a ceramic type of coating to deal with excessive abrasion of the layer. A wide variety of ceramic or carbide coatings are available.

Still today a nickel-hard chrome coating can be the right choice for your application. We can offer you advanced galvanic layers with proven durability in many situations. More than 30 years’ experience guarantee you the best nickel – hard chrome coatings available. Our 10 Year Warranty program is unique in the world. It reflects many years of experience in this field of service. Contact us for “the best”.

